Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Two Faces of Food

I would like to elaborate a little more on my diet here. I fondly refer to it as my Two-Faced diet.

Face One: ´Sickeningly Healthy.´ This is how Charles describes our diet. Every day for lunch (this is not an exaggeration), we eat some form of beans, rice, and Soja, loaded with fresh veggies or fruits from feira. On the menu for breakfast is generally fresh bread and tomatoes (essentially, sandwiches. why do people eat sandwiches here for breakfast? this does not make sense to me). Dinner is whatever you can scrounge together from leftovers.

Face Two: Artery Clogging Fatty Fat. Everything here is either REALLY salty or REALLY sweet - other flavors are hard pressed to be found. My coffee preference has slowly shifted from black with some soy milk to half milk, half coffee, and a generous amount of 100% cane sugar. When eating out, staples are large servings of mayonnaise and ketchup, on everything. Beer works with every meal (because its so light it tastes like water). And there is always fried street food.

And there was that one time we ate chicken hearts for dinner...

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