Sunday, January 22, 2012

Routine, Travel, Etc.

Capim Grosso! Wahooow. Lots has happened the last few days. I will begin first with my reflections on routine.

In the four days of traveling alone (verrrry alone), with only my carry-on (the airport left my baggage in Sao Paolo), in a state where, hello, the portuguese spoken is SO different than the one I learned (they swallow letters and syllables in almost every word - very african sounding), I realized that not only do I cling to routine, I strangle it. STRANGLE. I am addicted to routine, and when I don´t have one, I truly freak the F out.

And now, as far as traveling goes, I was stressed to the point where it was almost crippling. Like I said - portuguese here is really, really hard to understand. So the 25+ hours spent in airports, navigating my way through hostels, bus systems, my thought process looked a little like this: ´Is this my plane? Is this the right gate? What are they saying right now? Crap, are they saying my gate is changed? Should I ask that man in Portuguese? What if I mess up the phrase? Should I just wait? WHAT IF I MISS MY PLANE? Is this my bus stop? Crap, if I miss my bus stop, when is the next one?´ (etc, etc, etc.)

None of those things happened. I was FINE - but the knot I had in my stomach the entire time was indicative of how much stress was induced.

Now for the good things. I spent two (dirty dirty) days in Salvador at the Nega Maluca hostel (crazy black lady). Swimming in the thick portuguese and making some friends - we went to a few bars in the city and an electronico concert. I took a bus to Capim Grosso - a five hour ride - and the entire time, passing tiny, tiny, TINY towns in BFE, actually. I started to get nervous - did I choose to spend FOUR MONTHS on a patch of dirt with a market and a few houses??! Imagine my joy when we pulled into the centro of Capim Grosso and it is a hustling, bustling city. Phew. My new, dear friend Rosangela picked me up, I am working with a great crew of people at AEC-TEA (google it if you want to know more), I have a room, a navigable town, and most importantly ROUTINE at last!!!

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