Saturday, January 28, 2012

Jacobina, entendeu?

Since we still have some time before we begin the hustle of teaching and associação business, we took a day off to spend time in Jacobina (fun with the Finns part 1), a city twice the size of Capim Grosso 60 km away. I really loved this city, I love Capim Grosso but unlike CG, Jacobina is HILLY and GREEN! Our main quest was to find a waterfall since Capim Grosso, you know, has been absolutely sucked dry by the ever present sun.

The first afternoon we walked up a steep, steep set of stairs (that made me nostalgic for the incline)...

That led to Alto do Cruzeiro!

Ate, looked around Praça Castro Alves...

Stayed in a cheap, phenomenal hostel and the next morning woke up early early early to find a waterfall. Our guide Alex took us to two: Cachoeira dos Britos and Cachoeira dos Amores.

I wasn´t only taken with the physical beauty of Jacobina but also the people! Every person we met was so kind, SO helpful, and for me what stood out was after every sentence or two, they would ask ´entendeu?´(Understand?) And not in a bad way - really taking time to make sure I understood what they were saying. It felt very personal to me and you can bet your butt I´ll be back here soon enough!