Thursday, February 23, 2012

Happy One-Month, Brasil!

Things I love:
-The line of busy ants that pass in front of me as I do yoga
-Mango tree in our backyard
-Hammocks.... how have I ever lived without one?
-The rare (rare!!!) treat when we eat MEAT!
-My students
-Playing Capoeira
-The fact that I have 7 different names here, because a) alex is reserved for males here and b) people can’t pronounce words ending with a consonant – hence, vowels must be added or taken away. Examples: Alexi, Alexa, Alexia, Alex-ya, Alessandra, Ale, etc.
-The small victories of conversing in a new language
-And how humbling it is to hear conversations where I don't understand anything
-Monday morning feira
-Street food
-Breezy fresquinha nights after brutally hot days
-Sunday pool and Acai

Things I less than love:
-Doing laundry by hand. because I am domestically challenged, nothing is ever really clean.
-Living next to the associacao... heavy traffic = very little privacy
-Being so meat deprived I dream about eating dead birds
-The dogs here. I AM A DOG PERSON I SWEAR. But after being almost attacked (twice) with some seriously aggressive dogs, I am sworn off dogs until I am back in the US.

When I arrived here and people asked how long I was staying in Brasil, the answer was four and a half months. As time passed, the answer became longer and longer.. "maybe five," "a little over five", etc. I have decided to stay as long as my visa allows, 180 days, coming in at just around six months! And so happy the decision is made!!!

Thaaaat's it. Here's to a perfect second month!

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